New Green Technology in the HVAC Industry 2018

The HVAC industry is making significant advancements with new green technological advancements through research and development. These improvements will be beneficial in several ways, including increasing efficiency, saving consumers money, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. HVAC Green Technology Improvements Running the A/C in the summer and the heat in the winter can really put a […]
Improving Sight for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Several companies have designed smart glasses for improving the sight for the blind and visually impaired. These “smart” glasses are bound to revolutionize the world by providing visually impaired individuals with functional sight. Development of Smart Glasses According to the World Health Organization, nearly 285 million people are either visually impaired or blind worldwide. Nearly […]
The Drone Industry: Just Getting Started or Ready for Takeoff?

It Might Seem Like Drones are Everywhere and Being Used for Everything, But the Industry is Just Getting its Wings! Compared to (less than) five years ago, it seems like drone usage is everywhere you look. Amazon is using Prime Air drones to do their dirty work, delivery companies are exploring ways to use them […]
Study Promotes Realistic Use of Solar Panels on Roofs

Have You Ever Wondered How Much Energy Could Be Supplied Through Rooftop Solar Power? A New Study Has Some Answers. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, or NREL, released a report earlier this month on the potential of rooftop power for the average house. The Rooftop Solar Technical Potential for Low-to-Moderate Income Households in the United […]
Solar Spy Drone – How to Stay Airborne for a Year

Consumer grade drones have a flight time measured in minutes. Some more advanced drones have flight times measured in hours, and even advanced military drones can barely be measured in days; two days for any drone, no matter the technology, would be pushing it. However, 2019 could be the year that changes all that as […]
Richard Branson’s Bold Prediction: Hyperloop in Just Three Years

Billionaire Richard Branson expects that humans will be able to travel via hyperloop by the time 2021 rolls around, could this be real? How Does a Hyperloop Work? The theory behind a hyperloop transportation system for humans is based on a vacuum system. This would drive an electromagnetically propelled pod, which is made to hold […]
NASA’s Plan to Send a Helicopter for Mars Flight Tests

Since Mars Remains a Mystery to NASA, They Are Sending Their Helicopter Up to Get a Better Look NASA has been able to check out the scenes on Mars from the ground of the red planet using rovers and landers and from various of their orbital spacecraft for years. Their next hope is that they […]
Hawaii’s Ambition to Run on Completely Renewable Energy: A Note for Other States

As Hawaii is Working Towards Incorporating Solar and Wind Energy on a Mass Scale, Other States are Watching to See if They Can Keep the Electricity Grid Stable Hawaii is already leading the country in almost every category when it comes to generating renewable energy and their sources; this is a big deal as the […]
Garmin Introduces Mini In-Flight Satellite Communicator

Coming in a Small, Multifunction Pack, Garmin’s New inReach Mini Has Great In-Flight Potential It might be small, but it’s mighty, the new inReach Mini from Garmin is a great two-way satellite communicator that has the aviation industry a-buzz after its release earlier this month. Garmin Ltd. introduced the inReach as a device to communicate […]
Drones in Emergency Response

Over the last few years, drones have assisted humans in ways we would never have imagined a decade ago. Their common uses are aerial video over buildings, infrastructures, and even crops, but another use they are soon to be known for is improving mobile and internet services for emergency use. First, let’s talk about the […]