The Future Is Bright for Solar Energy

There’s a future out there where your electric bill will only be a few bucks a month. For now, solar energy is still not so commonplace. This does not mean that solar power hasn’t made progress through the years. Solar energy has evolved to the point that we see them used in calculators, watches, and […]

What Are Holograms?

Technology is advancing faster than any of us can keep track. It’s about time holograms stop being a thing of the future and become a thing of the present. Nowadays, you can buy devices that project holograms from your own smartphones. There are even ways to project a live, full-sized hologram of a person. The […]

World-Class RC Helicopter Demonstration

Spinning blades, impossible maneuvers, and seamless control. This describes an experience that can only be possible with an RC helicopter. This awesome video shows a world champion RC helicopter pilot demo one of these amazing aircraft. A radio-controlled (RC) helicopter is a model helicopter that can have flight abilities that full-sized helicopters can’t do. These […]